About BV Athletics
Buckeye Valley offers athletic programs at the middle school and high school levels. Buckeye Valley High School offers 24 Varsity Sports for student-athletes. Buckeye Valley Middle School offers select sports for seventh and eighth grade student-athletes. The athletic programs at both the middle school and the high school serve as an extension of the school curriculum where participants develop skills and qualities essential for future success.
Interscholastic sports at Buckeye Valley are intended to provide opportunities to develop teamwork, self-discipline, respect for authority, and the spirit of hard work and sacrifice while placing the team and its objectives higher than personal desires.
Core Values
- Tradition.
- Win with honor.
- Compete to the best of your ability.
- Broaden yourself and develop strength of character.
- Gain the greatest possible good from school experiences in preparing for adult life.
- Earn trust.
- Our school is judged by our conduct and attitude on and off the field.
- Represent yourself, your family, your team, and your school in a positive manner.
- Be a positive role model for younger athletes.