High School Counseling
Buckeye Valley High School supports and advocates for ALL students in their academic, social-emotional, and college/career development.
Eileen Burkhardt- Counselor for last names A-G
email: eburkhardt@mybvls.org
Jessie Combs, Counselor for last names P-Z
email: jcombs@mybvls.org
Tammy Cress, Counselor for last names H-O
email: tcress@mybvls.org
Phone: (740) 363-4340
Fax: (740) 417-9459
Our Counseling Team
- Our Counselors
- Academic Information
- Transcript Requests
- Physical Education Waivers
- Career-Work Permit/Military Information
- College/Career Information
- College & Career Presentations
- Scholarships
- Social Emotional Information
- College Credit Plus
- Stay Safe. Speak Up.
- Credit Flex
Our Counselors
Eileen Burkhardt- A Buckeye Valley graduate, Ms. Burkhardt earned her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education Degree from Ohio Wesleyan University and Master's Degree in School Counseling from the University of Dayton. Having served as a counselor at the elementary school and middle school level Ms. Burkhardt is now serving on the high school counseling team.
Jessie Combs- Ms. Combs received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Ohio Dominican University. Upon graduating she enrolled in grad school and earned her Master's in School Counseling from the University of Dayton. She is currently finishing up her Ph.D. in Mental Health and Counseling.
Tammy Cress- Ms. Cress is a proud BV graduate. She earned her Bachelor's Degree from Purdue University and her Master's Degree in School Counseling from Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI).
Academic Information
Ohio's Graduation Requirements 2023 and Beyond
BV Graduation Seals Information
For more information visit education.ohio.gov/graduation
Honors Diplomas-
BVHS students can gain state recognition for exceeding Ohio’s graduation requirements through an honors diploma. Students challenge themselves by taking and succeeding at high-level coursework and in real-world experiences. BV offers students the opportunity to pursue one of five honors diplomas:
- Academic Honors Diploma
- Career Tech Honors Diploma
- STEM Honors Diploma
- Arts Honors Diploma
- Social Science and Civic Engagement Honors Diploma
Click HERE for honors diploma requirements.
Honors Diploma Presentation (Classes of 2023-2025)
Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) In November ALL SOPHOMORES will see a presentation, including a virtual tour, in their English classes. This is now LIVE!! DACC Virtual Tour. For an overview of what DACC offers, click HERE. For frequently asked parent questions, click HERE. For more information about upcoming events please go to www.delawareareacc.org
JROTC- Aerospace and Leadership Elective Course FACT SHEET
Click here *This is an external link to one of our educational partners; At The Core. The list is very comprehensive!
Transcript Requests
If you are a former BVHS student, and need to request a transcript, please complete the form HERE.
Physical Education Waivers
The Buckeye Valley Local School Board of Education has adopted a policy to excuse from the high school physical education requirement each student who, during high school, has participated in interscholastic athletics, marching band, Show Choir, or cheerleading for at least two full seasons or JROTC for two years. Waivers for transfer students will be accepted if the Waiver is shown on the transcript of the previous school. No credit or grades are earned for a PE waiver.
Complete this form AFTER you have completed TWO qualifying seasons of a sport/activity.
Career-Work Permit/Military Information
SELECTIVE SERVICE REMINDER All 18 year-old men must register with the Selective Service. It’s the law. Register on-line at www.sss.gov
College/Career Information
APPLYING TO COLLEGE: Common App is used by many colleges. Common App allows you to fill out one application and send it to multiple colleges as well as request transcripts and letters of recommendation. When creating your Common App account, be sure you list the correct school counselor. If your last name starts with A-G, use Mrs. Burkhardt; last name starts with H-O, Mrs. Cress; last name starts with P-Z Miss Combs. Click HERE for instructions on how to complete your Common App.
FAFSA (FREE Application for Federal Student Aid): Many universities require incoming freshmen to complete a FAFSA report to determine how much financial aid they can offer. We encourage all students to complete the FAFSA, regardless of if you think you will qualify for financial assistance. A helpful link is: https://www.oasfaa.org/fafsa-help-oh
College & Career Presentations
Free money for college (scholarships) come in three categories. National, Specific to the College, and Local.
Local: Scholarship information for current seniors gets sent to us at various times throughout the spring and will be added SchooLinks as we receive it. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHOOLINKS ACCOUNT FREQUENTLY.
National: Sometimes referred to as "Lottery" scholarships, they are hard to obtain because the applicant pool is so large. However, there may be very specific scholarships (for students with diabetes, as an example) that narrow down the applicant pool. Some good websites are
Keep in mind, you should NEVER have to pay for a scholarship search service!
Specific to the College: Most colleges and universities will entice high school seniors to apply for scholarships that may only be used if the student decides on that specific college. Frequently check the universities' admission and financial aid webpages for links or information on how to apply for these scholarships
Local: Scholarship information for current seniors gets sent to us at various times throughout the spring and will be added SchooLinks as we receive it. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHOOLINKS ACCOUNT FREQUENTLY.
All BVHS 10th graders will take the PSAT/NMSQT in the fall.
For 11th graders, taking the PSAT/NMSQT in the fall is optional. All 11th graders will take the SAT in the spring.
Social Emotional Information
Counseling services that are available to all students include classroom lessons, small group counseling, individual support, and crisis response services. Buckeye Valley also collaborates with Syntero, a community counseling group, to provide school-based clinical counseling for students who need more intensive support.
Friday food bags are available for families who qualify for Free/Reduced lunch fees. Email your school counselor to get signed up!
If you and your family are in need of hygiene items email a school counselor and they will get you and your family these necessities.
Helpful Resources:
Childmind.org is a site with resources for parents on MANY topics including mental health and behavior concerns.
Sanford Fit is a resource for parents with information and activities for keeping your family fit and healthy.
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Delaware and Morrow County has family resources for anyone dealing with mental health issues.
Recovery and Prevention Resources of Delaware and Morrow Counties provides behavioral health services with a focus on alcohol and drug treatment, intervention, prevention and education.
Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board has links to many resources for Delaware families.
Helpline connects Delaware residents to available resources. NEW! Text "helpline" to 898211 for help via text.
College Credit Plus
College Credit Plus is an initiative by the Ohio Department of Education & Ohio Department of Higher Education to allow high school students to attain college credit up to 30 semester hours per school year tuition free at Ohio public institutions. The college courses will be added to the students’ high school and college transcripts. It will be the students’ responsibility to ensure the college courses taken transfer to the college or university of their choosing by talking to individual colleges or using an online service like, transferology.com or Ohio Department of Higher Education. Students will also be responsible for obtaining their college transcript of completed coursework to the institution they are transferring the credits.
2024-2025 Annual Notice of College Credit Plus
CCP General Overview Recording from January 17, 2024
CCP General Overview Google Slide Presentation
Ohio Department of Education & Workforce Statement on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Ohio Department of Higher Education
2024-2025 Letter of Intent–Due every year by April 1
2024-2025 Columbus State Community College CCP course options offered at BVHS (Please see BVHS course catalog for course description and prerequisite information):
*Composition I: ENGL 1100, 3 credit hours
*Composition II: ENGL 2367, 3 credit hours
*College Algebra: MATH 1148, 4 credit hours
*Beginning Spanish I: SPAN 1101, 4 credit hours
*Beginning Spanish II: SPAN 1102, 4 credit hours
*21st Century Workplace Skills: BMGT 1008, 2 credit hours
Stay Safe. Speak Up.
Stay Safe. Speak Up! Student Hotline
Buckeye Valley Local Schools is fully committed to curbing student bullying and school violence, and providing a positive learning environment for all students that enhances personal safety and promotes respect, dignity, and equality among students. We believe our schools play an important role in helping faculty, staff and parents prepare students to be respectful and responsible citizens. As part of our commitment, the district has initiated an integrated program, developed by former school officials, that provides:
- Online and telephone reporting tools for students, parents and staff.
- Student training regarding the need to speak up about safety and bullying issues.
- Staff training in recognizing and responding to incidents of bullying and violence.
- Administrative systems to manage incidents and document district and school response to reported concerns of bullying or violence.
Buckeye Valley Local Schools will make every effort to handle and respond to every charge and complaint filed by students, parents and employees in a fair, thorough, and just manner. Also, every effort will be made to protect the due process rights of victims and alleged perpetrators.
New Student/Parent Hotline
Students who believe they have been harassed, bullied, victimized by fellow students, or have other concerns which may jeopardize the safety of students, employees or school facilities, are asked to Speak Up! and promptly report the issue using our district’s new student/parent Hotline – accessible both online and by telephone.
Options to report an issue:
1. Call 1-866-listen2me (1-866-547-8362) and talk with a live attendant. When the student talks with the live attendant, he/she has the option of being forwarded to one of the following national hotlines:
- 911 (Urgent response)
- National AIDS Hotline (AIDS / HIV)
- National Runaway Switchboard (Homeless - Runaway)
- NINELINE Hotline (Relationship issues - peer/parent; alcohol/drug abuse)
- RAINN (Sexual assault; domestic violence; physical abuse)
- Suicide Crisis Center (Suicide)
2. Call 1-866-listen2me (1-866-547-8362) and leave a voice message.
3. Click on:
Buckeye Valley Local Schools has contracted with PublicSchoolWORKS to provide this service and to ensure you remain anonymous. If you use the telephone reporting system, the person you will be talking with is not affiliated with the Buckeye Valley district. The attendant will listen to your issue, complete a written report, and then, if you'd like, transfer you to a specialist or other support person.
After you finish your call or make your report online, the district will receive a confidential report from PublicSchoolWORKS. Your issue will then be investigated by the district.
To ensure your information is sufficient, please give names, times and event details. Please try to provide as much information about the situation as possible. Remember, this service is for the safety of everyone.